Sunday, July 12, 2009

For oily skin

Calendula (marigold)
Horestail herb

Excess oil on your face can be a source of embarrassment and can lead to other more serious skin conditions. Prevent this by considering these suggestions:

. Remove excess oil by mixing 2 tablespoons of wheat flour with the right amount of water and apply this on your face using an upward circular motion. Leave on for a few minutes before rinsing with cool water.
. Cucumbers can also offer great relief from oily skin! Grind half a cucumber and extract its juice for your face pack. Apply the juice onto your face and leave on for a few minutes. Rinse with water and pat dry. This can refresh and tighten your skin effectively!
. Aside from removing excess oil from your skin, fenugreek and red gram seeds can help remove blackheads. Simply soak 2 to 3 teaspoons of fenugreek or red gram seeds overnight in clean water, grind into a paste and apply onto face. Leave the face pack on for about a few minutes (until it dries up) before rinsing it with cold water. The excess paste can be stored in the refrigerator for future use. However, be sure that you use the fenugreek mixture within a week and the red gram mixture within two days after preparation to maintain its efficiency.

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